
1) S. Costa, S. Della Fiore: Weak Sequenceability in Cyclic Groups. To appear in Journal of Combinatorial Designs.

2) S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, A. Pasotti: Non-zero sum Heffter arrays and their applications. Discrete Mathematics, 345 (2022), 112952.

3) S. Della Fiore, S. Costa, M. Dalai: Improved Bounds for (b, k)-Hashing. IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, 68 (2022), 4982-4997

4) S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, M.A. Ollis, S.Z Rovner-Frydman: On Sequences in Cyclic Groups with Distinct Partial Sums. Electronics Journal of Combinatorics, 29 (2022), 3.33

5) S. Costa, T. Traetta: Vertex-regular 1-factorizations in infinite graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 30 (2022), 345-363.

6) S. Della Fiore, S. Costa, M. Dalai: New upper bounds for (b,k)-hashing. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) (2021).

7) S. Costa, A. Pasotti: On \lambda-fold relative Heffter arrays and biembedding multigraphs on surfaces. European Journal of Combinatorics, 97 (2021), 103370.

8) S. Costa, M. Dalai: New bounds for perfect k-hashing. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 289 (2021), 374--382.

9) S. Costa, M. Dalai: A gap in the slice rank of k-tensors. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, series A 177 (2021), 10533.

10) S. Costa, M. Pellegrini: Some new results about a conjecture by Brian Alspach. Archiv der Mathematik 115 (5) (2020), 479-488.

11) S. Costa, A. Pasotti, M. Pellegrini: Relative Heffter arrays and biembeddings. Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 18 (2020) 241-271.

12) Y. Chang, S. Costa, T. Feng, X. Wang: Partitionable sets, almost partitionable sets and their applications. Journal of Combinatorial Designs 28 (11) (2020), 783-813.

13) S. Costa: A complete solution to the infinite Oberwolfach problem. Journal of Combinatorial Designs 28 (5) (2020), 366-383.

14) Y. Chang, S. Costa, T. Feng, X. Wang: Strong difference families of special types. Discrete Mathematics 343 (4) (2020), 111776.

15) S. Costa, F. Morini, A. Pasotti, M.A. Pellegrini: A generalization of Heffter arrays. Journal of Combinatorial Designs 28 (2020), 171-206.

16) S. Costa, M. Dalai, A. Pasotti: A tour problem on a toroidal board. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 76 (1) (2020), 183-207.

17) S. Costa, T. Feng, X. Wang: Frame difference families and resolvable balanced incomplete block designs. Designs Codes and Cryptography 86 (12) (2018), 2725-2745.

18) S. Costa, F. Morini, A. Pasotti, M.A. Pellegrini: Globally simple Heffter arrays and orthogonal cyclic cycle decompositions. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 72 (3) (2018), 549-593.

19) S. Costa, T. Feng, X. Wang: New 2-designs from strong difference families. Finite Fields and their applications 50 (2018), 391-405.

20) S. Costa, F. Morini, A. Pasotti, M.A. Pellegrini: A problem on partial sums in abelian groups. Discrete Mathematics 341 (3) (2018), 704-712.

21) M. Buratti, S. Costa, X. Wang: New i-Perfect Cycle Decompositions via Vertex Colorings of Graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Designs 24 (11) (2016), 495-513.

22) S. Costa: On MPS construction of blocking sets in projective spaces: A generalization. Discrete Mathematics 339 (2) (2016), 946-956.

23) S. Costa, S. Pianta: On k-symmetries of hyperbolic spaces. Differential Geometry and its Applications 31 (5) (2013), 639-642.

24) S. Costa: Blocking Sets in PG(r; q^{2n}). Electronic Notes in Discrete Matematics 40 (2013), 77-81.

Other publications or preprints

1) S. Costa, A. Pasotti: On the number of non-isomorphic (simple) k-gonal biembeddings of complete multipartite graphs. Submitted (arXiv: 2111.08323).

2) S. Costa: Biembeddings of Archdeacon Type: their full automorphism group and their number. Submitted (arXiv: 2205.02066).

3) S.Costa, S. Della Fiore: Existence of λ-Fold Non-zero sum Heffter arrays through local considerations. Submitted (arXiv:2209.02309).

4) S. Costa, T. Traetta: Factorizing the Rado graph and infinite complete graphs. Submitted (arXiv: 2103.11992).

5) S. Costa, S. Della Fiore, M. Dalai: Variation on the Erdos distinct-sums problem. Submitted (arXiv: 2107.07885).

6) M. Buratti, S. Costa, X. Wang: Planar endomaps and perfect cycle decompositions. In preparation.

7) PhD Thesis: New combinatorial designs via Strong Difference Families. Supervisor Prof. Marco Buratti.

8) S. Costa: Il Teorema dei Quattro Colori. Maddmaths (2013), no 7.

9) S. Costa, S. Pianta: Kikkawa left loops and symmetric 2-structures. Quaderni del Seminario Matematico di Brescia (2011), no 8.